I made some more shirts, different colors and better material. American Apparel this time. Same prices as last time ($10), but if you buy two, both will cost you $16.
Guys: pink, kelly green, navy blue, teal, asphalt, cranberry, eggplant. Girls: pink, lavender, teal, fuchsia
If you are interested, leave me a comment with your email or send me an email: az epic rider and runner (no spaces) at g mail
Pink, lavender, teal and fuchsia???
Are you kidding me??? You couldn't do a nice eggplant for the ladies???
Are we all six years old???
I'm tempted to get a pink and take some dye to it...
Really ! very nice T-Shirts , Awesome Design - Keep It Up
cool shirts
hey just wondering if you are still making these tees let me know onmybicycle@gmail.com
Are you still making the t shirts ?? I need a few of them. Azmorenos@gmail.com
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