Results are available here. Props to Craig from Moab for the route idea.
Route is as follows:
Basha’s to Gateway Loop
Gateway Loop to Paradise
Paradise Trail to Quartz.
Quartz to Lost Dog.
Lost Dog to Ringtail.
Ringtail to Sunrise.
Up and over Sunrise.
Connect to Dixie Mine.
Dixie Mine to Windmill/Coachwhip
Windmill/Coachwhip to Pemberton
Pemberton (ccw) to Comp Track connecting via a gated utility road
Long Loop and Sport Loop
Back to Pemberton via utility road
Pemberton (ccw) to Bluff
Bluff to Granite
Granite to Pemberton
Pemberton (cw) to Tonto
Tonto to Pemberton
Pemberton (ccw) to Windmill/Coachwhip
Over Windgate Pass and down Windgate.
Gateway Loop
GPX file is available here

I can already see a few changed in next year's route.
Congrats on 2nd place. Sorry I missed out. Guess my hub would have blown out anyway, so maybe it was for the best.
Everyone looks so happy.
Must be because they are getting to wear shorts instead of multiple layers while riding in the snow.
Congrats my man...
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